Reggie's Place

Reggie's Place
reggies regies regis place

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Still setting up for the warehouse sale (garage sale style) here at Reggies. We've made some good progress in about a week. This sale should help us move some product even faster, it's all priced to sell quick.

We wanted to make the space inviting and easy to navigate. We've come up with some interesting a creative idea. One that didn't make the cut was an ominous button that is labeled 'Push for dancing midgets'. When pushed a big exercise ball would fall from the sky and or swing from a mysterious spot and promptly become the attention of much joy.

 Here are a some that have made itto production.

Was to be used for bags, but these guys are fun.
Nemo Losi 3P tent, sits about 7 feet off the ground.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We haven't posted here in a while, we've been swamped and the blog isn't a top priority. However, we plan to bump up the priority a bit. 

Facebook and Pinterest have been great mediums for sharing and getting new and exciting information. 

Check us out -